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Busy weeks...

The weeks are getting more and more busy now. The pups have been dewormed the third time. Last weeks a lady from the Raad van Beheer came to our home to see the environment that the puppies grow up in. Each puppy got a chip in their neck via a sharp needle and each puppy has had their DNA taken to be tested via an oral swab. I have included a video of this moment. The pups all did very well, the one yelped louder than the other, but they were all soon comforted by mom. Also this week I hope to be welcoming professional animal photographer Ilse Wanner ( to make pictures of the puppies. For us as a family, because we cherish the moments we have with these dear puppies and we will so miss them when they go to their new families. I hope to post some nice ones on the site so everyone can enjoy them. This week we are also going to the vet for the first time. The puppies will get examined and get their first immunisation shots. It's going to be a whole job getting the nine puppies to the vet...I have already called them, and been busy this afternoon with the necessary paper work needed for the visit to the vet. Everything has to match of course, the names, the registration numbers, the adresses.

The pups are growing so quickly now. We notice that their bench is actually quite small now for 9 puppies. So we take them outside to play alot, but someone has to be there all the time when they are outside because I am afraid that a hawk will come and grab one, thinking that it is a rabbit. They do not drink so much by their mother now any more. It's more like a few sips for dessert. This means that the mother does not clean up after them any more. They are starting to do their toilet jobs on the newspapers in the bench, and when they are outside, they run and do a pee as quick as they can. ( see the video for this) So the potty training is well under way.

All in all, a very busy time for our family, cleaning, organising, and don't forget the important socialising of the puppies. We hope to bring them to an old age home next week and to some elderly people in town that would love to see them. We chose to do this after their vaccination. Keep an eye on the website, for more news and pictures. We'll keep you posted when possible.

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